Fig 1

DESCRIPTION: Up to 10mm in length. Despite its small size this is a robust looking Hoverfly that sports a completely black-bronze abdomen and a similarly covered thorax. The key to ID is the short third antennal segment that is about twice as long as it is wide in the female and a little shorter in the male. Note must be taken of the dark arista and the blunt-wings too. On the anterior surface of the rear tibia are found  a row of hairs that are only as wide as the tibia itself, which also helps to distinguish it from similar species. BEHAVIOUR: Associated with root aphids on a variety of plant species. This species likes to sunbathe on low herbage and visits various Umbellifers and Bedstraws. DISTRIBUTION: Widespread and somewhat common throughout the UK but easily overlooked. HABITAT: Hedgerows, disturbed areas, heathland and grassy places. PERIOD: On the wing from May right through to September with a peak during June and July.

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